Our Elgin Army

“It takes a village to raise a child” – but it takes a veritable army to pull off Siphila Sonke’s tremendous Open Gardens restaurant for two weekends running!


Our Elgin Army was numerous and diverse but to name a few;

Thank you to Jessie Walton (our gracious host) and the amazing team at Keurbos Nursery, Highlands Road whose work and efficiency welcomed each visitor to this picturesque valley.  The gardens were spectacular and many were able to take home a touch of Elgin in the form of healthy plants for their own gardens.  (The tractor ride through the farm was also a winner!)

Thank you to those who envisioned, planned and executed. Then hired in glasses, crockery, cutlery and later set up the internal venue, moved furniture, set tables and much more in such an exquisite location (thank you too those who supplied flamboyant roses for table decorations).

Thank you to those who greeted guests, manned the pay stations and conquered the intricacies of the Yoco machine!

Thank you to our catering angels; those who baked at home then brought in mouth-watering lemon meringues, decadent chocolate cakes, “healthy” (after all it’s a vegetable) carrot cakes as well as lemon drizzle and more (we even had gluten-free for those who were feeling a little left out!)

A platoon of kitchen cherubs washed and dried up endlessly – responding frequently to the cry from our refreshment area, “We need more teaspoons/cups/glasses/ice…”

The lunch-time team had our mouths watering as they slaved over a hot oven to produce chicken with a pastry topping, tasty gammon or a variety of quiche, together with healthy salads all decorated with nasturtiums from the garden!  Those waiting on the tables ran back and forth surprising us often as they remembered exactly each order and took it to each visitor beautifully presented.

Thank you to local producers who supplied delicious fresh blueberries or locally made wine or even farm eggs which were quickly sold out!  Generosity is a hallmark of living in this place. Thank you too to our many donors who make it possible for our beneficiaries to receive monthly food parcels and enable our learners to grow and enlarge their capacity. The objective of this time is as a fund raiser but an added reward is the community “saamwerking”.

[If you were unable to be part of these two weekends it’s not too late to donate to the important work of Siphila Sonke. Simply click on the donate tag at the top of this page.]

Thank you ELGIN – we will be back next year and look forward to welcoming you to our lovely valley.  

Rona Miller