
Have you watched the dynamic New Amsterdam series on Netflix?  Set in a major (American) hospital their go-getting new chief medical director has just one question for everyone he comes into contact with, “How can I help?” It is fast moving and effective as he takes the attitude of care above cost, of people above pennies!

It made me wonder what could happen if each one of us asked that question of every individual we came into contact with, “How can I help you?”  We all know that on our own we can’t change or improve or even realign the entire world! Nor can we meet the needs of all people however, if we are able to help the man, woman or child in front of us, then together we will see incremental change take place and as we all know, South Africa certainly needs change!  Who did we meet today? Is there a way that we could help? (Everyone is going through a struggle of some sort).

Recently I had the privilege of speaking with Ntombi an optometrist at Sha’p Left which is a is a patient-centred, population-focused, cost-aware, nurse-driven primary healthcare service situated at Timbers on Worcester Road in the Grabouw Community (https://ciplafoundationsa.co.za).  Siphila Sonke had approached Ntombi to assess the family of four that I wrote about in our previous blog (Walking a mile (or two) in somebody else’s shoes https://www.siphilasonke.org.za/blog/walking-a-mile-or-two-in-someone-elses-shoes) .

Ntombi is bright, articulate and full of passion for the work she does.  She is also well educated and compassionate making her effective in her position as a much needed health worker.  We discussed what opportunities there may be for this family and how to move forward from here.  Perhaps the possibility of eye surgery for the five year old son who has a cataract and there may be treatment for the wife’s condition which could manage her low vision with optical devices, this will just help her cope but not necessarily improve her vision.  The three year old little girl also needs to have balance in her vision from left to right and both children will be in need of visual aids as their education progresses.

So today I am asking you to help (please don’t stop reading!) Our electronic banking details are listed under the donate button on www.siphilasonke.org.za  – please mark your donation medical assistance. 

Siphila Sonke states #welivetogether. 

Together let us contribute to helping this family toward a better future.

Thank you for caring



Rona Miller