Adventure guru David Grier speaks on LIFE

Adventure guru David Grier grabbed the attention of his audience from the very first moment and for the following 45 minutes held us spellbound as he spoke on LIFE.

I want to be part of this incredible country and its future!
— David Grief

It was the night after South Africa’s 2019 General Election and adventure guru David Grier grabbed the attention of his audience from the very first moment and for the following 45 minutes held us mesmerised as he spoke on LIFE and of how many situations in our own lives bring us to crossroads; the past has gone, we are in the present but we can determine to make a difference in the future. In his words, “I want to be part of this incredible country and its future!” – David was speaking the right audience!

David Grier speaks on the impact that just one person has

David Grier speaks on the impact that just one person has

David Grier’s outstanding visual presentation captured our imagination but the analogies and similes’ were what captured our hearts.  Each person in the room could identify with (almost) every example given. Okay so not many of us had been to the Gobi Desert, nor run the Great Wall of China but the picture of kayaking from Africa to Madagascar exhausted and alone on the waves, conjured a sense that all of us have known when having spent days working our very hardest, battling what was coming against us, we found that despite the hard work, despite the immense effort we had actually moved backwards!  Yet we press on – looking to the goal. Our speaker encouraged us to “Live life through the lens of the future.”

This extreme athlete reminded us that we have no control over external factors but attitude is everything and this from someone who had run thousands of kilometres with a ruptured bladder! Who had been imprisoned on the journey but who had practiced, trained, planned and prepared for the race ahead.  

How are you and I preparing, planning and training for what lies ahead?  And are we doing it just for ourselves or are we making a difference in the lives of others.  David and his training partner, Andre, run for the Cipla Smiles Foundation but on this night at Trails End in Elgin his purpose was to assist with the work of Siphila Sonke.  

We work together for Siphila Sonke

We work together for Siphila Sonke

As the community gathered funds were raised, delicious home-made food was devoured, fun was had and the people of Grabouw once again knew that change starts on each one of our shoulders.  

Thank you for giving, thank you for caring, thank you for making a difference!  

Main blog image courtesy of